Privacy Policy

Collecting and using personal information

When you visit and navigate our site and when you communicate with us via our site, we will not collect personal information about you unless you provide us that information voluntarily. Any non-public personal information that you may provide via our site will be used solely for the purpose stated on the page where it is collected. We will not sell, license, transmit or disclose this information unless (a) expressly authorized by you or (b) required or permitted by law.

By "Personal Information" , we mean data that is unique to an individual, such as a name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number. From time to time, we may request personal information from you on our site in order to deliver requested materials to you, respond to your questions, or deliver a product or service.

Your e-mail

Greek Activities welcomes your comments or questions about our website and we have provided an e-mail form for that purpose. Please note that your e-mail, like most non-encrypted Internet e-mail communications, may be accessed and viewed by other Internet users, without your knowledge and permission, while in transit to us. For that reason, to protect your privacy, please do not use e-mail to communicate information to us that you consider confidential. If you wish, you may contact us instead via telephone at the number provided on our site.

Linking to other sites

Greek Activities may provide links to other websites, not owned or controlled by Greek Activities, that we think might be useful or of interest to you. We cannot, however, be responsible for the privacy practices used by other website owners or the content or accuracy of those other websites.

Changes to this statement

Greek Activities may change this statement from time to time; when updates are made, the privacy policy version date (located at the bottom of this policy) will also be updated to reflect that a revision occurred.

01 January 2018


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